Strategy, Design, Experience

Desi Mama

Born from a team of food lovers and adventurous flavour seekers who aim to bring the best of both authentic Indian cuisine and contemporary techniques together, turning every bite into an exquisite dining experience, as you return to those golden times when every meal was a delectable feast.
Salient Hospitality
Brand Identity, Brand Workshop, Content Development, Content Strategy, Launch Strategy, Logo Development, Messaging & Story, Print Collateral, Verbal Branding, Visual Identity, Website Design, Website Development

Challenge: In a highly competitive market for corn snacks a new brand needed to be introduced to attract adults though children form are a huge segment of the target audience. The client was keen to inject a little local spirit into the brand flavors. The key was to ensure our designs clearly communicated the authenticity of the product to attract real foodies across all ages.

restaurant branding - chef uniform design

Approach: The product’s main proposition was locally appealing taste and a lot of brand love. We took these influences and crafted a name and design centered around the expressions of taste and love.

Solution: Using typography, colors and imagery that are totally in-your-face, we created the branding and packaging of this start-up corn-snack brand. To push it the extra mile we introduced the ‘Gostos’ corn-mascot and made it part of the standard branding device so that it can work even across various sub-ranges.